Pressure Ulcers

March 2016
FHIM Fact Sheet
The pressure Ulcer model was last output on 01/23/13.
About the Model

1. The model is available in various formats: an MS Excel spreadsheet, a .PDF file, an Enterprise Architect file, and as a ZIP file with .HTML documents.

2. This model describes the information at a level of detail that is precise enough for business or clinical experts, but does not include implementation or platform specific details.

3.  Information which is common among partner agencies is defined in the model. Agencies can extend the model with agency-specific requirements.


The Pressure Ulcer Model


The information below is offered in support of the ONC mobile application challenge grant.   A link to the challenge grant materials is below. This model is based on the Pressure Ulcer Risk Domain Analysis model that passed ballot at HL7 in 2011. This work was developed in collaboration with the Veteran’s Administration, Kaiser Permanente, the SNOMED CT Nursing Working Group and the Clinical LOINC committee. The ballot was reviewed by U.S. national wound and nutrition experts.  The goal of the PU risk model is to represent clinical information pertinent to assessment of pressure ulcer risk and risk management. It is intended to specify information requirements for the domain, not to constrain implementers to any specific logical pattern.

  This model will be integrated into the Federal Health Information Model FHIM at a future date. The Adobe .PDF file represents the original model balloted at HL7: it is included for its helpful introductory material.  The Enterprise Architect and HTML documents below represent the updated model. The spreadsheet contains the terminology values (which are also present in the model). The scope of the challenges addresses the risk assessment package, not the intervention package. The model was developed as an interoperability specification, not a functional application analysis: application behavior is not defined except at the points of interoperability.


Model Files
  1. Zip file of Browseable HTML Publication

  2. PDF of model as submitted for HL7 Ballot

  3. Spreadsheet of the Model

  4. Enterprise Architect File (.EA) of Model
Mobile Application Challenge Grant Link
  1. Pressure Ulcer Challenge Grant Materials


  This website was created for Healthcare IT professionals for collaborative purposes only and is subject to the terms of use.  It is not an official government website for the FHIMS program.   The FHIMS is an information model rather than a data model.  Data models are meant to be implemented, whereas information models are higher level specifications. 

Inquiries of what the model can do for your agency are welcome. We will upon request set up a teleconference to introduce you to the model. Contributors are also welcome. Need more detailed information in a particular domain? We are open to improvements. Anyone wishing to participate or contribute, please Contact Us.

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